A Godsend

Kenric Barclay, CEO of Kubitt, is a godsend. When I met him, he spent over 3 hours helping me go over my vision for the site, and provided exemplary service for hundreds of dollars under budget. Kenric has a gift for web design and business preparation. He even has provided services I didn’t even know I needed from assistance setting up employee emails, help finding staff, and purchasing the domain name of my choice.

Kenric is the kind of designer that any business would be lucky to have. He was always willing to keep open the channels of communication and gave advice to my business while being open to direction. His honesty and work ethic are so intense that it encouraged me to be a better business owner. He even was willing to work out a payment plan and drafted a contract that allowed me to build my business on my own time.

I encourage you to see the list of satisfied customers and beautiful designs he has made over the years. I am glad to consider myself one of them.

-Trent Sullivan