Most of us experience the Internet primarily by reading what is on the screen. Sometimes we entertain ourselves with funny videos or we listen to music. Disabled people also have the ability to experience all of the Internet through various computer softwares such as screen readers. One of my favorite is JAWS. Did you know that screen readers like JAWS pick up on the background coding of a website and computer programs to let the disabled user know exactly what is on the screen? It is actually illegal for a business to have a website that deaf and blind people can not experience. When getting a website created make sure that your webmaster is familiar with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Knowing this act and making sure that your site is ADA compliant can keep your company out of hot water. See the link below for the nightmare that business owners are facing because they are not in compliance with the law.
See how we can help get your current site ADA compliant or build you a new site that will be ADA compliant.
Watch – Small Business Owners Sued by blind patron for their website not being usable.